1.6 Practice Editing a Document
Practice Problems
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Task 1: Add text No assembly. to the document between the period and the next word in . . . stove. Boils . . . in the second paragraph.
Task 2: Move the Fire Starters: paragraph to after the Cooking pot: paragraph. Hint: After selecting the Fire Starters: paragraph, drag it so that the insertion point is in front of the S in Six and then drop it (i.e., let go of the mouse).
Task 3: Using the change case icon in the “Home” ribbon, modify the six great reasons to buy text to have first letter caps on all the words except to. (Hint: You may have to correct the t in to.)
Task 4: Change the font face of the heading at the top of the page to Arial Black.
Task 5: Change the font size of the heading at the top of the page to 14 point.
Task 6: Indent the numbered items (1 through 6) under the words Six Great Reasons to Buy to 0.5 on the ruler. Be sure to grab the “First Line Indent” control.
Task 7: Duplicate all the formatting on Stove to the other main items (Fire Starters and Cooking Pot) using the Format Painter.
Task 8: Cut and paste the specifications from the bottom of the document to under the Cooking Pot item.
Task 9: The document no longer needs the word Pot at the beginning of each line of the specifications. Use the find and replace option to remove the word Pot.
Task 10: Change the color of the heading line (QuickStove Emergency Cook Kit) to standard color dark blue.
Task 11: Change the margins of the document to “Wide” using the “Margins” option on the “Layout” ribbon.
Task 12: Save your document and submit your work by using the “Submit” button on the “Assignment” ribbon.