Practice Editing a Document

Practice Problems

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Task 1: Add text No assembly. to the document between the period and the next word in . . . stove. Boils . . . in the second paragraph.

Task 2: Move the Fire Starters: paragraph to after the Cooking pot: paragraph. Hint: After selecting the Fire Starters: paragraph, drag it so that the insertion point is in front of the S in Six and then drop it (i.e., let go of the mouse).

Task 3: Using the change case icon in the “Home” ribbon, modify the six great reasons to buy text to have first letter caps on all the words except to. (Hint: You may have to correct the t in to.)

Task 4: Change the font face of the heading at the top of the page to Arial Black.

Select “QuickStove Emergency Cook Kit,” then select Arial Black from the font drop-down list.

Task 5: Change the font size of the heading at the top of the page to 14 point.

Select “QuickStove Emergency Cook Kit,” then select 14 from the font size drop-down.

Task 6: Indent the numbered items (1 through 6) under the words Six Great Reasons to Buy to 0.5 on the ruler. Be sure to grab the “First Line Indent” control.

Select the six numbered items and drag the indent marker on the ruler to 0.5 inches.

Task 7: Duplicate all the formatting on Stove to the other main items (Fire Starters and Cooking Pot) using the Format Painter.

Double-click the “Format Painter” button with “Stove” highlighted. Drag the mouse pointer over the words to apply the format.

Task 8: Cut and paste the specifications from the bottom of the document to under the Cooking Pot item.

Use the “Cut” command to copy the items to the clipboard, then move the insertion point to a new location. Paste the text, keeping the original formatting.

Task 9: The document no longer needs the word Pot at the beginning of each line of the specifications. Use the find and replace option to remove the word Pot.

Open the “Replace” option on the “Home” ribbon. Enter “Pot” (and a space) in the “Find” text box and leave the “Replace” option blank. Then select “Replace All.”

Task 10: Change the color of the heading line (QuickStove Emergency Cook Kit) to standard color dark blue.

Select the text and open the “Font Color” drop-down. Select the color from the standard row.

Task 11: Change the margins of the document to “Wide” using the “Margins” option on the “Layout” ribbon.

Task 12: Save your document and submit your work by using the “Submit” button on the “Assignment” ribbon.